Collagelt 3 pro
Pearl Mountain and Apple should never have marketed this app. I’ll not purchase ANYTHING by Pearl Mountain – and I’m gun-shy of Apple, too.
• Whatever effect you apply to one photo, applies to EVERY photo on the collage. Frames, effects, shadows; change one – you change them all!
• There is NO undo [command Z], if you delete a photo by mistake, you have to RE-DRAG it in, and re-edit size, crop, effects, layers . . . etc.
• There is no GROUP command! If you want to move a bunch of photos and their accompanying text to re-design your layout, you can’t group them and drag them, nor have a piece of text stay with one photo.
• You can’t edit text on the layout. You enter your text in a separate dialog box, in Courier, not the font you see on the workspace
• With no group command, you cannot group three photos and drag a corner so they will change in unison to fit a space.
• Forget about mixing text with photos – there’s no spell checker.
• If you switch to auto-register mode, it warns you, then “regenerates” your whole layout and you can kiss all your work goodby. Switching back to non-auto does NOT return your layout.
• No photo editing whatsoever. In building a collage, you NEED to set final light values of adjacent photos to create balance. It cannot be pre-set in iPhoto or other editors.
I’ve been making collages for ten years. I used to use Deneba’s Canvas but it went “Windows” - only.
Apple’s Pages works well – I use it a lot, and collages are pretty easy to do. I was looking for something a little quicker and came across collagist 3 “Pro.” What a rip off.
RobD4 about
CollageIt 3 Pro