Will not run under 10.10.3 (14D131) The latest release.April 10th
I have downloaded the latest version of this software (April 10th) and it will not load any photographs from Photos or Aperture. I have sent a dozen emails asking for tech support. I have called Apple tech support of Aperture and Photos and spoken to a senior support person who tried it on his computer (with both Photos and Aperture) and was not able to make it run on his clean computer. On numerous occassion I have asked the companies tech support to speak directly to the person at Apple and the only reply I received from Collegeit is it will run on their machines. I am not aware that they tried calling Apple. It will load your pictures if you drag and drop them onto the program.
If they ever fix the problem I would be most happen to try it again.
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CollageIt 3 Pro